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Kompletní seznam herců z Fénixova řádu
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HP a Fénixův řád - film
Příspěvek přidal(a) wizard tom
neděle, 30 dubna 2006, 08:27 |
 Na obnovených stránkách HP Fan Zone se nyní objevil kompletní seznam herců, kteří se objeví ve Fénixově řádu, spolu s jejich mini biografií a jejich rolemi ve filmu. Někteří jsou ještě v jednaní, proto jsou u nich otazníky. Podívejte se v pokračování článku! =o)
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
D.O.B: 23 July, 1989
Birthplace: Fulham, London, England, UK
Source: Dan confirmed for OOTP, May 4, 2005
Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley
D.O.B: 24 August, 1988
Birthplace: Watton-at-Stone, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Source: Live in London: 'Goblet of Fire' junket, a huge success!, October 22, 2005
Emma Watson as Hermione Granger
D.O.B: 15 April, 1990
Birthplace: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Source: Live in London: 'Goblet of Fire' junket, a huge success!, October 22, 2005
Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy
D.O.B: 22 September, 1987
Birthplace: Kensington, London, England, UK
Source: London 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 6, 2005
James Phelps as Fred Weasley
D.O.B: 25 February, 1986
Birthplace: Birmingham, England, UK
Source: New York 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 12, 2005
Oliver Phelps as George Weasley
D.O.B: 25 February, 1986
Birthplace: Birmingham, England, UK
Source: New York 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 12, 2005
Alfred Enoch as Dean Thomas
D.O.B: 2 December, 1988
Birthplace: Unknown
Source: London 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 6, 2005
Julie Walters as Molly Weasley
D.O.B: 22 February, 1950
Birthplace: Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK
Source: Julie Walters confirmed for 'Order of the Phoenix', December 8, 2005
Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley
D.O.B: 17 February, 1991
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: London 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 6, 2005
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort
D.O.B: 22 December, 1962
Birthplace: Suffolk, England, UK
Source: New interview with Ralph Fiennes, August 30, 2005
Katie Leung as Cho Chang
D.O.B: 8 August, 1987
Birthplace: Scotland, UK
Source: Katie Leung returning for 'Order of the Phoenix', January 28, 2006
Chris Rankin as Percy Weasley
D.O.B: 8 November, 1983
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
Source: Chris Rankin confirms he'll be in 'Phoenix', January 22, 2006
Jamie Waylett as Vincent Crabbe
D.O.B: 21 July, 1989
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: New York 'Goblet of Fire' premiere, November 12, 2005
Devon Murray as Seamus Finnigan
D.O.B: 28 October, 1988
Birthplace: County Kildare, Ireland
Source: Devon Murray confirmed for 'Order of the Phoenix', January 29, 2006
David Thewlis as Remus Lupin
D.O.B: 20 March, 1963
Birthplace: Blackpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Source: Thewlis and Oldman confirmed for OOTP, February 8, 2006
Gary Oldman as Sirius Black
D.O.B: 21 March, 1958
Birthplace: New Cross, London, England, UK
Source: Thewlis and Oldman confirmed for OOTP, February 8, 2006
Richard Griffiths as Vernon Dursley
D.O.B: 31 July, 1947
Birthplace: Thornaby-on-Tees, Cleveland, England, UK
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Fiona Shaw as Petunia Dursley
D.O.B: 10 July, 1958
Birthplace: County Cork, Ireland
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley
D.O.B: 13 March, 1989
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Afshan Azad as Padma Patil
D.O.B: 1988
Birthplace: Unknown
Source: Patil twins and more confirmed for OOTP, February 13, 2006
Shefila Chowdhury as Parvati Patil
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Source: Patil twins and more confirmed for OOTP, February 13, 2006
Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore
D.O.B: 19 October, 1930
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
Source: Jo updates diary on official website, April 5, 2006
Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid
D.O.B: 30 March 1950
Birthplace: Rutherglen, Scotland
Source: British actors collect their OBEs, March 2, 2006
Alan Rickman as Severus Snape
D.O.B: 21 February 1946
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: Alan Rickman unwilling to discuss filming, April 27, 2006
Joshua Herdman as Gregory Goyle
D.O.B: 9 September, 1987
Birthplace: Hampton, Middlesex, England, UK
Source: Waylett speaks highly of 'Order of the Phoenix', April 27, 2006
Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge
D.O.B: 9 January, 1956
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: Imelda Staunton confirmed as Professor Dolores Umbridge, October 20, 2005
George Harris as Kingsley Shacklebolt
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: Grenada, West Indies
Source: Kingsley Shacklebolt, young James Potter cast, January 30, 2006
Robbie Jarvis as Young James Potter
D.O.B: 1986
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Kingsley Shacklebolt, young James Potter cast, January 30, 2006
Susie Shinner as Young Lily Evans
D.O.B: 1988
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Susie Shinner cast as young Lily Evans, February 4, 2006
Charles Hughes as Young Peter Pettigrew
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Michael Wildman as Centaur Magorian
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Source: Magorian cast in OOTP, February 1, 2006
Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood
D.O.B: 1991
Birthplace: Ireland
Source: Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix and Tonks cast, pictures and more, February 2, 2006
Helen McCrory as Bellatrix Lestrange
D.O.B: 1968
Birthplace: London, England, UK
Source: Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix and Tonks cast, pictures and more, February 2, 2006
Natalia Tena as Nymphadora Tonks
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix and Tonks cast, pictures and more, February 2, 2006
Kathryn Hunter as Arabella Figg
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Kathryn Hunter cast as Mrs. Figg, February 2, 2006
Sian Thomas as Amelia Bones
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Jason Boyd as Piers Polkiss
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Richard Macklin as Malcom
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Richard Leaf as Auror Dawlish
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Nick Shim as Zacharias Smith
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: More OOTP casting news, February 10, 2006
Jim McManus as Aberforth Dumbledore
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Aberforth Dumbledore cast for OOTP, April 20, 2006
Tony Maudsley as Grawp
D.O.B: Unknown
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Source: Tony Maudsley cast as Grawp, April 26, 2006 |
Autor: rajce Datum: 2006-04-30 10:37:59 diky za tenhle prehled hercu po tom co se vsechno tady psalo,tak sem mela poradne zamotanou hlavu a ted mam konecne jasno(aspon castesne,az na otazniky)
| Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 11:38:40 A co marrieta?
| Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 11:59:26 Ten seznam je fakt dobrej, jen mě zaráží, že mezi nima není Maggie Smith - Minerva McGonagalová. To tam jako nebude??????? To teda bude blbí bez Mcgonagalky...
| Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 12:04:48 No, a taky tam není mladý Snape (ani s otazníkem)
| Autor: EVE Datum: 2006-04-30 12:40:42 seznam je úžasný!!! ale neni tam minerva ani kratiknot ani mlady severus!! jinak moc děkuji za krásny seznam
| Autor: happy Datum: 2006-04-30 13:23:00 jsou tu jenom ti co jsou potvrzeni, ten otaznik znamena, ze neni k dispozici jejich fotka takze nevime jak vypadaji tim padem tu nemuze byt ani mlady severus
| Autor: happy Datum: 2006-04-30 13:25:51 ohledne kratiknota - ten je ve vyjednavanich a mcgonagallova jeste nebyla potvrzena - viz [URL=http://www.potterweb.cz/web/content/view/2452/2/]TADY[/URL]
| mladý James Potter Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 13:37:38 ten co má hrát mladýho Jamese vypadá fakt dobře nemyslíte?? Mě se teda fakt líbí....je to kus
| Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 14:21:55 Pořád nemůžu přijít na chuť mladý Lily. Zdá se mi úplně jiná, než sem si ji představovala
| Autor: wizard tom Datum: 2006-04-30 14:29:20 Jak tady psala happy, jsou tu jen potvrzení herci, ještě počkáme, zda se objeví noví!
| KIKIEMMS Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 15:38:10 JO ten Jamens je úžasný. A pokud se jedná o Minervu, tak to mě naštvalo. Bude mi tam chybět. Ale doufám, že se taky potvrdí.
| Autor: wizard tom Datum: 2006-04-30 15:48:55 Ještě nic neříkejte..... určitě se tam objeví!
| sluníčko Autor: Anonym [] Datum: 2006-04-30 18:31:19 No...apsolutně by to podělali kdyby tam nebyl malej Snape a Sirius... Já jenom doufám, že tam budou a že bude pěknej... No a ta Lily mi taky nepříjde super neni to vono taky záleží jak jí namalujou atd...no a taky mi nesedi Helen McCrory...no ci se dá dělat já jen doufám...
| hihi Autor: Vanda Asakura Datum: 2006-04-30 20:51:49 ml. Sirius a Srabus tam musí být, jinak by vypustili hóódně. Ale mě se nelíbí obsazení ml.Jamese!! Herec je pěkný, ale neměl být náhodou James totálně podobný Harrymu??? Já myslela, že ho bude hrát Daniel!!! A Lily eee. Doufám, že makeup udělá své. A Umbridgeová, ta je divná. Takhle jsem si ji nepředstavovala!!! Jinak super!!
| for sluníčko & Vanda Asakura Autor: wizard tom Datum: 2006-05-01 13:35:44 Mladý Sirius a Snape tam určitě budou! Jinak k těm Vašim názorům na herce - viděli jste zatím jen pár fotek, tak nemůžete posoudit, jak nakonec budou vypadat v samotném filmu, ne? Určitě se to povede, jako vždycky!
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